The Follow a Foal program allows you to follow the journey of a mare and foal from the broodmare getting closer to her due date, to the foal taking it’s first steps, all the way to the final sale. The program is run in conjunction with Harness Breeders Victoria’s stud partners Alabar and Aldebaran Park. This year, the foals were Pacing filly Critic & Trotting filly Demi.
In January, Harness Breeders Victoria took WomenCan Team Teal out to Aldebaran Park to meet Demi, the beautiful Aldebaran foal included in the program. Jane Power, ANZGOG's Survivors Teaching Students (STS) Regional Coordinator in Melbourne, came along to get a glimpse of the many ways Team Teal is raising money and awareness for the STS program this year.

The Australasian Premier Trotting Sale was held at Inglis, Oaklands Junction on Sunday 2 February. Nick Hooper (President of Harness Breeders Victoria) conducted a tour from the Follow a Foal marquee at 11:30am & 2pm. The tour gave the opportunity to meet the two charity fillies and hear from their preparers at Alabar & Aldebaran, learn about the charity partners, and get a behind-the-scenes look at the sale day journey of the two girls. With Critic and Demi going through the sales ring, the Follow A Foal project came to a conclusion, with 5% of the sale price of each filly being split between the two charity partners. This, along with some fundraising that was done by Harness Breeders Victoria throughout the campaign period, resulted in a donation of $447.75 to Team Teal.