WomenCan fundraises to support clinical trials conducted by ANZGOG, a world leader in gynaecological cancer research.
ANZGOG’s Fund for New Research program's purpose is to promote the development of future clinical trials and foster its member’s research studies.
In the past, grants have been funded by individual fundraisers who wished to fundraise for a particular cancer type or geographical area, leaving a lasting legacy to benefit women in the future.
Fund for New Research grants are reviewed by research leaders and adopted as novel and innovative ideas warranting further work, individual grants up to $100,000 are awarded annually for pre-clinical, pilot and feasibility studies that lead to a clinical trial. Research must be achievable and meet ANZGOG’s strategic research priorities.
In the recent 2021 round, 15 applications were received and two projects were awarded grants of $100,000.
Dr Paul Cohen will be granted $100K for his clinical concept - 'STRatIfication of Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma by HPV and p53 status to guide Excision: the STRIVE study'. Dr Cohen is an ANZGOG Board Member and Gynaecological Oncologist, WA.
Want to learn more about funding pioneering research?
The Fund for New Research was seed-funded by philanthropy and continues to seek private and public donations for innovative research projects in all gynaecological cancers. Foster innovation with your gift. Support pioneering research projects that have the capability to lead to a significant clinical trial.
To find out more about ANZGOG's Fund for New Research Program, click here.