ANZGOG's ovarian cancer study, SOLACE2, achieved 100% accrual, thanks to the 114 women across Australia who have generously participated, and the Investigators and staff at 15 sites in QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS and SA dedicated to the trial.
SOLACE2 is an important ovarian cancer trial that offers an opportunity for women with the most common type of ovarian cancer (high-grade serous) to receive immunotherapy and PARP inhibitor treatment at the first sign of relapse when they’re likely to derive the most benefit.
SOLACE2 Principal Investigator, Prof. Clare Scott AM
Led by ANZGOG in collaboration with the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC), the University of Sydney, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and RMIT University, the study investigates whether immunological priming could improve the subsequent response to immunotherapy for these women.
SOLACE2 has a strong translational focus, led by world-class laboratory researchers. Translational research describes the process where scientific discoveries in the laboratory translate into improved practice in the clinic. Prof Clare Scott AM and Prof Magdalena Plebanski, along with their teams, have overcome the challenges of recent years to optimally process precious patient samples.
“These bloods are the total life force for determining why some people respond better than others and whether we can improve the immune attack on the cancer for those who respond less well.“
Prof Clare Scott AM
The trial data will be analysed, and patient samples tested to address the translational study aims, including identification of immune or genomic biomarkers that are prognostic and/or predictive of response to treatment, and the development of potential vaccine-based treatment strategies.
ANZGOG thanks all participating women, their families, and participating sites, for their long-term commitment to the study which helps women #LiveBetterLiveLonger