Only 4 out of 10

Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will live more than five years

The OASIS Initiative undertakes signal seeking Phase II clinical trials that match targeted new drug therapies with particular molecular subtypes of ovarian cancer.

One size no longer fits all with ovarian cancer treatment.


These are rapid trials, designed to identify new targeted therapies, are selected from the 'best of the best' proposals submitted by academic researchers, in a rigorous selection and governance process.

OASIS trials will be performed more affordably and more quickly, thereby making optimal use of philanthropic seed funding and providing a model for other cancer studies.

"In ovarian cancer we've not known the enemy and we have made very little progress to now.

The clouds have parted in the last few years and I think we have a much better idea of what we are up against."

Prof David Bowtell

ANZGOG member and ovarian cancer researcher

Rose's Gift

When Rose Varga left a legacy gift in her last Will and Testimony, she trusted ANZGOG to use the funds to pioneer new discoveries to help women that would come after her.

Rose Varga lived life on her own terms, travelling Australia in a Kombi van with her husband Des after they arrived as refugees from Hungary following WWII. Once settled, she went on to study biochemistry, always believing in the power of research.

Rose participated in clinical trials during her treatment, however she passed away aged 81 from ovarian cancer in 2016.

Her generous legacy gift contributed to ANZGOG launching the OASIS Initiative.

Vale Rose Varga

1935 - 2016

"I’m just one in a long and continuing line of women” 

VALE Bridget Whelan, Advocate for OASIS

Fearless Advocate for

ANZGOG Research

Special people like Bridget Whelan don’t come along very often, and we at WomenCan are so very grateful that she was passionate about ANZGOG’s research.

Her involvement in OASIS was instrumental in getting the project off the ground, a project that was seed-funded by philanthropic funding. Bridget made it clear how tremendously powerful the voice of a woman affected by ovarian cancer could be.

“If we can secure the funding, new trials for these individual diseases can establish specific and better treatment paths for us. In the meantime, we’re waiting. Waiting for an answer; waiting for something new, something better than one size fits all. And hoping, finally, that well-trodden path we’re taking will make a U-turn” said Bridget.

In 2015, Bridget received the Jeannie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Award for outstanding contributions to improving outcomes for women with gynaecological cancers.

"It’s so odd and so awful being 40 and knowing what will kill me. But what makes it even worse is knowing that I’m just one in a long and continuing line of women. Young women, old women, all of us. We’re all walking down the same well-trodden path.” 

Vale Bridget Whelan

16.04.1974 - 11.05.2016

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Make a donation today to assist WomenCan in funding pioneering research programs, like OASIS

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For more details about the OASIS Initiative, contact the WomenCan Head of Fundraising, Karen Livingstone AM

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